Windham County State's Attorney Tracy Kelly Shriver Announces Retirement After 25 Years

Brattleboro, Vermont – After a distinguished 25-year career as a prosecutor in Windham County, State's Attorney Tracy Kelly-Shriver has announced her retirement.

“Kelly-Shriver has served Windham County with unwavering integrity, dedication, and a steadfast commitment to upholding the law”, said John Campbell, Executive Director of the Department of State’s Attorneys and Sheriffs. “During her long tenure, Tracy has handled a huge workload and many high-profile cases. She retires from her elected office with a record of outstanding public service and a legacy of pursuing fairness for both defendants and victims of crime," said Campbell.

SA Kelly-Shriver also served for many years on the State’s Attorneys’ Executive Committee, has testified numerous times in legislative committees on criminal justice issues, and has represented the Department on several boards and committees including the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Commission and the Committee for Model Criminal Jury Instructions.

Deputy State’s Attorney Steve Brown will serve as interim State’s Attorney pending Governor Scott’s review of potential candidates. Brown has served as Deputy State’s Attorney in that office since 2007. Brown praised Shriver’s leadership, stating, "Under State’s Attorney Kelly-Shriver’s leadership, the office has upheld the utmost prosecutorial standards and professionalism in the ardent pursuit of justice."

State’s Attorney and Executive Committee Chair Erica Marthage, who has been a colleague of Kelly-Shriver for more than two decades, conveyed her admiration for Kelly-Shriver, stating, “Tracy has been a true champion for victims' rights, and a deeply respected leader in Vermont’s legal community, and has mentored her staff—and many other attorneys in our Department—to be excellent attorneys. She has served the people of Windham County and Vermont with incredible distinction and commitment”.

Reflecting on her tenure, Kelly-Shriver expressed her heartfelt appreciation for her constituents. "It has been the honor of my life to serve the people of Windham County for the past 25 years," Shriver said. "I am grateful to the people of Windham County, and for the hardworking team of professionals who have worked alongside me every step of the way."

As she transitions from office, Kelly-Shriver voiced her confidence in the future of the SA’s office. "I leave with the utmost confidence in the outstanding staff members of the Windham County State’s Attorney’s Office who will continue to serve the county with honesty, fairness and hard work”.

For more info, contact SAS Labor Relations Director Annie Noonan at 802-828-5394. Links to the original letter to the Governor and press release can be found below. 


Original press release WCSAO Kelly Shriver Press Release 7.29.24.pdf

Letter to the Governor WCSAO Kelly Shriver Letter.pdf